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Review of Old Town Loon 120 Kayak

Review Of Old Town Loon 120 Kayak

When shopping around for the perfect kayak, certain things may need to be compromised, including storage, comfort, and other special features. However, the Old Town Loon 120 Kayak may give you a mix of all of the helpful features you are looking for.

We have evaluated the Old Town Loon 120 Kayak (in addition to other models that are part of this series) to determine what they provide and if they’re ideal for a paddling trip.

This is a kayak you can sit inside. It is built for recreational purposes when you’re on the ocean, lake, river, or pond.

With its sit-in design, you’ll be able to paddle all year long, as the closable cockpit will aid in keeping you drier. You can have spray skirts added to the Old Town Loon 120 Kayak, which will protect you against splashes and weather conditions, particularly when you are paddling in cold climates.

This vessel is worth considering if you enjoy paddling in all sorts of water types and conditions. It has been designed with stability and speed in mind. As such, a variety of paddlers can benefit from the loon, whether they are beginners or experienced.

The big cockpit helps beginner paddlers feel much more comfortable. It is also helpful for various other activities – fishing included – in case you don’t like the feeling of being confined.

The Loon’s Best Features

This is a recreational kayak you can sit in. It is developed with a big cockpit, which is very comfortable – particularly when you’re spending a lot of time in the water.

Mobile Power

One handy feature that is beneficial during long trips is the charging port (USB). With some sort of power source addition, you’ll be able to charge your gadgets up while you are in the water. These can be very helpful for a fishfinder, camera, GPS, phone, or anything else you may need.

The craft’s USB port can be found in the cockpit’s front area, specifically inside of a detachable work deck. This deck has a lot of storage space you can leave small gadgets and items in, a feature that fishers and photographers will appreciate.

Comfortable Cockpit

If you spend a better part of the day outside, then nothing will be more important than comfort. The Loon comes with a very spacious cockpit. It measures in at 56” x 22”, so you won’t feel confined inside of the craft.

The Old Town Loon 120 Kayak also has a padded ACS2 seat, which is breathable and developed to make paddling more comfortable. The seat’s bottom and back areas can be modified to accommodate your personal paddling style. You’ll also find foot braces that can be adjusted on the cockpit’s inner tracks, allowing you to stabilize yourself when paddling.

The seat has a cup holding section built into it, letting you keep beverages within short reach as you paddle.

Daytime Storage

To keep your gear dry and safe, you can utilize the storage hatch found in the Loon’s stern. This space can hold bigger items. You’ll also find bungee rigging in the stern and bow areas, allowing you to secure more gear quite easily.

The cockpit opens up into the craft’s bow area, so you’ll be able to store some more items in here, too. Just be sure to give your feet and legs enough space.

Performing in the Water

The Loon was developed with a keel in the shape of V. The stern and bow were designed to have sharper edges. This made way for improved speed and straighter tracking, as these kinds of hulls tend to slice right through water slightly easier.

The Old Town Loon 120 Kayak comes with a hull that is quite versatile, which is great for rivers, lakes, and even the ocean. The hull’s design gives it decent secondary stability. As such, small ripples or waves won’t be a big issue.

Also, the sit-in design is ideal if you intend to go paddling in cold climates. Spray skirts can be added as an accessory that can keep you warmer and drier if so.

In Closing

Old Town Loon 120 Kayak is worth considering if you want to buy a craft that is comfortable, spacious, and versatile. All of the models come with large cockpits, leaving enough space for your small dog if you have one. The work deck has a USB port that can make things quite convenient and help you remain in the water longer.


  • Perfect for experienced and beginner paddlers alike.
  • Tracking.
  • Storage.
  • USB charge port.
  • Comfortable seat.


  • The wide hull might impact speed if you are traveling long distances.
  • This kayak is not budget-friendly.

Robert Johnson

I'm Robert Johnson the guy behind I went to my first kayaking trips with my father as a little boy and immediately fell in love with it. It is still my favorite hobby today. I love to go on kayaking trips with friends and family and I wanted to share my passion and knowledge around this wonderful outdoor activity with this website.

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